26th Annual Education and Equipment Conference

Friday, February 24, 2023
7:45 a.m. - 4:30 p.m.

Free Certificates of Attendance for all breakout sessions. CEU’s available for several sessions. Please see class descriptions for details.

Exhibit Hall Hours

8:00 a.m. - 2:30 p.m.

7:45 am - 8:30 am Registration8:30 am - 9:00 am Opening Remarks & Welcome: Handi Medical Supply9:30 am - 10:30 am Breakout Session 110:45 am - 11:45 am Breakout Session 211:45 am - 1:00 pm Lunch & Exhibits in the Vendor Hall1:00 pm - 2:00 pm Breakout Session 32:30 pm - 3:30 pm Breakout Session 43:30 pm - 4:30 pm Happy Hour
Lunch Sponsors:Permobil & Invacare/Motion ConceptsHappy Hour Sponsors: Coloplast, Hollister, & Golden Technologies

Opening Remarks

8:30 AM - 9:00 AM

Opening Remarks

Handi Medical SupplyHandi Medical Supply

Breakout Session 1

9:30 AM - 10:30 AM

Effective Communication Strategies

Jenna FinkJenna Fink
Communication is more than just talking and listening – it’s also about sending and receiving messages through attitude, tone of voice, facial expressions, and body language. As people with Alzheimer’s disease and other dementias progress in their journey and the ability to use words is lost, families need new ways to connect. Join us to explore how communication takes place when someone has Alzheimer’s, learn to decode the verbal and behavioral messages delivered by someone with dementia, and identify strategies to help you connect and communicate at east stage of the disease.
CEU: Certificate of Attendance of for all participants Sponsor: The Alzheimer’s Association
9:30 AM - 10:30 AM

Seating & Positioning Strategies for Long Term Care and Memory Care

Marc Schaefer, OT/L, RNMarc Schaefer, OT/L, RN

Wheelchair Positioning in Long Term Care is a multi-variable balancing act. It encompasses attention to cognitive, psychosocial as well as physical components. It involves the resident, their families and multiple staff entrusted in their care. Seating systems in long term care settings where memory impairment is prevalent need to be global, wholistic and flexible in an interdependent and ever-changing environment. This course is designed to give clinicians tools and strategies for effective evaluations and seating system implementation for the continuum of memory care. It will compare components of common styles of wheelchairs available and how they be most effectively used in a memory care setting.


  • Identify 2 specific seating components for fall reduction with varying wheelchair designs and models
  • Identify 2 seating mobility options to address memory induced motor impairment and wandering
  • Identify two strategies for effective implementation and communication of new seating systems on nursing care units with multiple nursing caregivers
CEU: This course offers 0.1 CEU for ATPs, PTs and OTs. Certificate of Attendance of for all other participants. Sponsor: Rehab Concepts
9:30 AM - 10:30 AM

Identifying Airway Clearance Therapy Needs with Your Patients

Bobby LankfordBobby Lankford

Overview of symptoms and conditions that would benefit from HFCWO. Review of coverage insurance coverage criteria, types of HFCWO devices and benefits of HFCWO therapy.


  • Discuss the symptoms that would indicate need for advanced airway clearance therapy
  • Know what key indicators to look for to identify these patients within the chart notes
  • Understand advanced airway clearance therapy devices and how they benefit patients
CEU: This course offers a Certificate of Attendance for all participants Sponsor: Tactile Medical
9:30 AM - 10:30 AM

Drivability: Features & Options to Promote Function & Independence PART 1

Alex Chesney, OTR, ATP/SMSAlex Chesney, OTR, ATP/SMS

Drivability is defined as the degree of smoothness and steadiness of acceleration. When considering drivability in the terms of power wheelchair management, it is not only an extremely important factor for an end user's safety in controlling the power wheelchair, but a huge consideration in the satisfaction and comfort of using the device. When evaluating an end user for a power mobility device, much consideration is given to the mobility base, seating components, and drive controls, but there are other features to consider as well. This course will look at these important additional features including programming options, suspension, and tracking technology.


  • Participants will be able to distinguish two advantages of each drive wheel configuration type that will facilitate environmental access for the end user
  • Participants will distinguish three drive parameters used to improve control and safety when managing the power wheelchair
  • Participants will be able to list two reasons tracking technology should be considered for users of Switch drive controls
CEU: This is a 2-hour course that offers 0.2 CEU for ATPs, PTs and OTs – must attend both Part 1 and Part 2 to receive full credit; Certificate of Attendance of for all other participants
9:30 AM - 10:30 AM

Flexibility is the Name of the Game

Chris Blomquist, RNChris Blomquist, RN
You’re familiar with work-life balance. What you many not be familiar with is employees demanding it. Young adults are expecting their employers to drop the rigidity and embrace flexibility. Attend this session to learn creative staff scheduling models that you can use; learn how to meet your staffs’ needs regarding schedules; and learn how to make flexible schedules successful and part of your culture.
CEU: Certificate of Attendance of for all participants Sponsor: Advanced Health Institute

Breakout Session 2

10:45 AM - 11:45 AM

Use of Novel Silicone Backed Fabric (NSBF) to Reduce Peri-incision Tension and Support Healing of Complex Wounds

Jan Chevrette, FNP-C, CWOCN, CFCNJan Chevrette, FNP-C, CWOCN, CFCN
Incision separation and dehiscence can be due to peri-incision skin tension related to body location, body habitus, and tissue mobility. This incisional separation can cause pain and delays in healing. Caring for patients after surgical repairs such as bariatric abdomen, abdominal/peritoneal resection and pilonidal cysts can be challenging because incisions are prone to separation due to location and tension. We have also found it to be effective at protecting vulnerable areas of the skin or scarring to external forces.
CEU: This course offers a Certificate of Attendance for all participants Sponsor: HealthPartners
10:45 AM - 11:45 AM

Enhancing Function: The Power of Power Assist Devices

Brenlee Mogul-Rotman, OT, Reg. (Ont.), ATP/SMSBrenlee Mogul-Rotman, OT, Reg. (Ont.), ATP/SMS

Manual wheelchair propulsion can be inherently difficult, and research shows that the longer a person propels a manual wheelchair for functional mobility the greater incidence of pain and repetitive injury; the resulting pain can limit function, reduce participation, and limit life roles of individuals who use manual wheelchairs for their functional mobility. Power assist devices present the opportunity to reduce pain and improve function of clients who utilize manual wheelchairs for mobility. By understanding the different types of power assist devices available; having the ability to identify the appropriate client; and knowing how to apply power assist devices based on clinical presentation, therapists will be able to improve function, reduce pain, and increase quality of life of the people they serve.


  • List 3 reasons why a manual wheelchair rider may benefit from a power assist device.
  • Differentiate between three different types of power assist devices and the benefits and considerations for each.
  • Discuss how power assist can improve functional outcomes and participation.
  • Identify 3 components of a power assist device evaluation, delivery/training for successful outcomes.
CEU: This course offers 0.1 CEU for ATPs, PTs and OTs, Certificate of Attendance of for all other participants Sponsor: Permobil
10:45 AM - 11:45 AM

Why Weight Matters in Manual Wheelchair and Component Selection for Pediatrics

Christie Hamstra, PT, MSPT, DPT, ATPChristie Hamstra, PT, MSPT, DPT, ATP
What effect does wheelchair weight have on the user? In this course, consider clinical evidence and best practice guidelines supporting the goals of cutting weight and improving efficiency through frame material, accessories, and configuration. Explore decisions made during ordering and configuring a wheelchair that can have lasting effects on client function, independence and safety.
CEU: This course offers 0.1 CEU for ATPs, PTs and OTs, Certificate of Attendance of for all other participants Sponsor: Motion Composites
10:45 AM - 11:45 AM

COPD and Hospital Readmissions

Scott Barth, RRT, RPSGTScott Barth, RRT, RPSGT


  • Understand the prevalence, and Impact of COPD on the healthcare system
  • The Hospital Readmission Reduction Program and the impact of COPD
  • Understand the current process and transition of a person suffering from COPD from home to admission to home again.
  • Identify key components that comprise an effective and proactive COPD monitoring program
  • Review current literature
CEU: This course offers 0.1 CEU for those in the respiratory field, Certificate of Attendance of for all other participants Sponsor: Breas Medical
10:45 AM - 11:45 AM

Drivability: Features & Options to Promote Function & Independence PART 2

Alex Chesney, OTR, ATP/SMSAlex Chesney, OTR, ATP/SMS
Please see description in Breakout Session 1.
CEU: This is a 2-hour course that offers 0.2 CEU for ATPs, PTs and OTs – must attend both Part 1 and Part 2 to receive full credit; Certificate of Attendance of for all other participants

Lunch & Exhibits in Vendor Hall

Breakout Session 3

1:00 PM - 2:00 PM

Building Trust: A Strategic Look at Two Models

Steven D Jackson, MD, MBASteven D Jackson, MD, MBA

In a time where building trust is more crucial than ever, we will examine two specific models aimed at strategically building trust with clients and patients.


  • Participants will become familiar with two specific models that aim to build trust
  • Participants will learn the clinical and non-clinical applications for each model
  • Participants will learn the difference between quality and equity
CEU: This course offers a Certificate of Attendance for all participants Sponsor: HealthPartners
1:00 PM - 2:00 PM

Scared of Wounds? What you Need to Know to Mitigate Risk

Chris Blomquist, RNChris Blomquist, RN
Alanna Valadez, MSN, NP-C, WOCNAlanna Valadez, MSN, NP-C, WOCN
We will be discussing common operational fears when admitting wounds to a community. We will review the common wound types and key components of a successful wound program as well as the ongoing education of staff to mitigate investigations and survey deficiencies around wound care. Come learn about best practices with risk mitigation, assessments, and prevention.
CEU: Certificate of Attendance of for all participants Sponsor: Advanced Health Institute
1:00 PM - 2:00 PM

24-7 Posture Care Management: A Key to Optimal Seating Outcomes?

Tamara Kittelson, MS, OTR/L, ATP/SMSTamara Kittelson, MS, OTR/L, ATP/SMS

This presentation provides a broad overview of therapeutic positioning around the clock. With focus on the influence of lying or sitting and standing posture, participants will gain awareness of lying posture as a key component of successful seating outcomes.


  • List three elements that influence posture deviations in wheelchair users
  • Compare and contrast destructive vs protective/preventive postures
  • List three human orientations in the order of development
CEU: This course offers a Certificate of Attendance for all participants Sponsor: Posture 24/7
1:00 PM - 2:00 PM

Tilting the Odds: Manual Tilt to Improve Rehabilitation Outcomes

Curt Prewitt, MS, PT, ATPCurt Prewitt, MS, PT, ATP

This presentation will explore the research supporting the use of tilt. Topics will include: how changes in seat angle affect posture and pressure distribution, seat height and angle characteristics that impact self-propulsion, the relationship between independent mobility and incidence of pressure ulcers, and how changes in seat angle can influence activities of daily living. The clinical justification and documentation requirements for Medicare reimbursement of the E1161 code will be outlined, and participants will be educated on options to achieve the clinical benefits of manual tilt while enabling self-propulsion and transport.


Upon completion of this course participants will be able to:

  • Cite 3 aspects of propulsion affected by seat height and changes in seat angle
  • Cite 2 elements of the relationship between independent mobility and incidence of pressure ulcers
  • Provide 2 examples of how changes in seat angle can impact pressure and affect posture
  • Provide 2 examples of how changes in seat angle can affect participation in activity specific ADLs
  • Produce documentation that clinically supports Medicare reimbursement of E1161 code
CEU: This course offers 0.1 CEU for ATPs, PTs and OTs, Certificate of Attendance of for all other participants
1:00 PM - 2:00 PM

Documentation LIFE Preserver PART 1

Dan FedorDan Fedor

Do you feel like you are drowning in documentation? Are you spending more time writing and rewriting documentation for health insurers such as Medicare, Medicaid, Medicare Advantage Plans and Private Insurances than actually treating patients? The amount of documentation required is overwhelming and there just doesn't seem to be enough time during the day to give them what health insurers expect. In this interactive two-hour session participants will gain insight into health insurance plans documentation requirements for mobility products and related accessories. The instructor, a former Director at Medicare, will share the internal thought process of health insurance plans which to outline what they need in order to approve a claim for qualified patients.


  • Identify key requirements that must be clearly documented in the wheelchair evaluation with consideration of health insurance reimbursement
  • Recognize how health insurers think and how to speak (write) their language so they understand what you see in your patient
  • Connect the dots in the wheelchair evaluation to ensure your patient receives the medically necessary product in a timely manner
CEU: This is a 2-hour course that offers 0.2 CEU for ATPs, PTs and OTs – must attend both Part 1 and Part 2 to receive full credit; Certificate of Attendance of for all other participants

Breakout Session 4

2:30 PM - 3:30 PM

Continence Management: Avoiding Complications and Providing Better Outcomes

Deb Elings, BSN, CCM, WCC, RAC-CT, Certified PAC TrainerDeb Elings, BSN, CCM, WCC, RAC-CT, Certified PAC Trainer
In this presentation, we will define types of incontinence and principles of continence management, review assessment components and identify complications associated with incontinence and examine methods to improve continence care and avoid complications.
CEU: This course offers 0.1 CEU Sponsor: First Quality
2:30 PM - 3:30 PM

Positioning for Participation & Function: 24-hour Postural Support

Karla Sonderland, MS, OTR/LKarla Sonderland, MS, OTR/L

A 24-hour postural care program provides for seating and mobility intervention as well as when the individual is not in the wheelchair. This session addresses options for alternative positioning, toileting, bathing and sleeping. Physiological and anatomical theoretical principles will be addressed incorporating how equipment can address an individual’s postural needs.


  • Identify three postural positional needs throughout the day
  • Identify two benefits of supported standing
  • Compare and contrast sleeping positions in regards to physiological or anatomical benefits
CEU: This course offers 0.1 CEU for ATPs, PTs and OTs, Certificate of Attendance of for all other participants Sponsor: Sunrise Medical
2:30 PM - 3:30 PM

Documentation LIFE Preserver PART 2

Dan FedorDan Fedor
Please see description in Breakout Session 3.
CEU: This is a 2-hour course that offers 0.2 CEU for ATPs, PTs and OTs – must attend both Part 1 and Part 2 to receive full credit; Certificate of Attendance of for all other participants
2:30 PM - 3:30 PM

Pressure Mapping: Strategies for Today, and Emerging Technology for the Future

Caroline Portoghese, OTR/L, ATP/SMSCaroline Portoghese, OTR/L, ATP/SMS
Tamara Vos-Draper, Ph.D, OTR/L, ATP/SMSTamara Vos-Draper, Ph.D, OTR/L, ATP/SMS

Pressure injury statistics have not improved like other patient safety indicators. Learn about benefits and limitations of what pressure mapping can do today and discuss emerging technology, and how it might guide technology-based strategies for managing sitting-related pressure in the future.


  • Describe benefits and limitations of pressure mapping with today’s technology
  • Participate in the clinical use of pressure mapping
  • Discuss emerging technology and how it might guide technology-based strategies for managing sitting-related pressure in the future
CEU: Certificate of Attendance of for all participants Sponsor: Handi Medical Supply / University of Minnesota
2:30 PM - 3:30 PM

Signs of Caregiver Stress and How to Manage It

Valerie J. Richards, MBA, Educator & Family Coach, Therapy Dog HandlerValerie J. Richards, MBA, Educator & Family Coach, Therapy Dog Handler
Learn how to recognize and cope with the high stress that caregivers face as they care for someone with a chronic condition, aging issues, or progressive dementia; includes discussion of symptoms of stress, experiences and feelings, effects on individuals and families, and ways to manage for more positive outcomes.
CEU: This course offers 0.1 CEU for participants Sponsor: Alzheimer's Educator & Family Coach
2:30 PM - 3:30 PM

Convexity in the Post Operative Setting

Mackenzie Bauhs, RN, BSN, CWOCNMackenzie Bauhs, RN, BSN, CWOCN

Feel confident in using convexity after surgery. Join us for an educational presentation on this controversial topic, where we will dive into the current research published in JWOCN regarding the use of convexity in the post operative setting and consensus statements from the expert panel.


  • Understand the history and current literature related to convexity
  • Discuss use of convexity in the post operative setting
  • Identify at least two statements from post operative convexity consensus paper
CEU: This course offers a Certificate of Attendance for all participants Sponsor: Coloplast

Happy Hour